
I balance my preaching so that they are not all of any one type of theology nor tone. Some are pastoral, others call you to action. Some are nurturing and others bolster the congregation to act on justice issues. Even if a sermon is historical or informational, they all relate to current times and issues we face. Most worship I plan has a faith formation aspect and many have congregational activities engaging a variety of learning styles.

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Recent Sermons

Transforming Shame with Self-Compassion

Transforming Friendship

Building Beloved, Equitable & Just Communities

The Theology of Dolly Parton

Christmas Eve 2022: Mary and Joseph Remember with Rev. Matt Aspin & Rev. Denise Cawley

James Reeb

Viola Liuzzo

The Power of Naming Feelings

Small Gestures, Big Impacts

Honoring Our Unitarian and Universalist Christian Heritage

Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?

Humanism - Who Should Write the Fourth Manifesto?


Older Sermons

Queer is a Verb
Sunday, Oct 10, 2021

Are You a Religious Naturalist?
Sunday, July 18, 2021 – 10 am

The Joy of Food
December 5, 2021

The Theology of Dolly Parton
Sunday, April 25, 2021 – 10 am

Sermon: Love is Messy
Love rarely follows the path we expect. The more expectations we bring, the less pleased we are with the relationship. Love is messy and surprising. Using the film Antonia’s Line, as an example of familial and romantic love as well as the bond of love in acceptance of the whole person we can have more fulfilling relationships. This sermon was given at Bradford Community Church Unitarian Universalist, in Kenosha, WI by Denise M. Cawley in February of 2020.

Pathetic Spiritual Practice
Often, we get bogged down in taking care of our minds and spirits by avoiding activities that could soothe us, because we do not have capacity to do them perfectly. Here I talk about why you need and deserve ‘pathetic’ spiritual practice. If you aim for pathetic, the results will be anything but.

Spiritual Practice for Kids & Grown Ups
As people of faith, Unitarian Universalists and our friends and neighbors are all needing spiritual practice to keep ourselves well. Learn about how to fill your chalice, your cup of love in ways that will nourish your soul. This activity is spiritual art for ALL Ages.


Accompanying Handout (PDF)

Calm Breaths Denise and Aidan show us how to calm ourselves with deep refreshing breaths to settle our nervous system.

Sunday, March 22nd - Vernal Equinox

Service by Rev. Erik David Carlson, Denise Cawley and Alex Poyner on the implications of the coming spring for this time of uncertainty.

Vernal Equinox

Service by Rev. Erik David Carlson, Denise Cawley and Alex Poyner on the implications of the coming spring for this time of uncertainty.
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Inner Wisdom

Student minister Denise CawleaIntern minister Denise Cawley reflects on that voice still and small that dwells within us all and takes us through writing our own book of inner wisdom.y talks about the simple ways we might incorporate spiritual practice into our lives, little by little.

Inner Wisdom

Intern minister Denise Cawley reflects on that voice still and small that dwells within us all and takes us through writing our own book of inner wisdom.
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Pathetic Spiritual Practice

Student minister Denise Cawley talks about the simple ways we might incorporate spiritual practice into our lives, little by little.

Pathetic Spiritual Practice

Student minister Denise Cawley talks about the simple ways we might incorporate spiritual practice into our lives, little by little.
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Bucking the Patriarchy

Here is video sermon from a sermon I gave at the Unitarian Church in Rockford, IL. It features the subject of my historical research, Rev. Dr. Florence Buck.

Bucking the Patriarchy

Here is video sermon from a sermon I gave at the Unitarian Church in Rockford, IL. It features the subject of my historical research, Rev. Dr. Florence Buck.
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Engage the Dream

Student minister Denise Cawley gives our stewardship sermon on the connections and commitments we have to each other and the world.

Engage the Dream

Student minister Denise Cawley gives our stewardship sermon on the connections and commitments we have to each other and the world.
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Community of Care

Service with Rev. Erik David Carlson, Rev. Dr. Monica L. Cummings, intern minster Denise Cawley and musician Alex Poyner on maintaining caring connections even in a time of isolation.

Community of Care

Service with Rev. Erik David Carlson, Rev. Dr. Monica L. Cummings, intern minster Denise Cawley and musician Alex Poyner on maintaining caring connections even in a time of isolation.
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Intern minister Denise Cawley touches on the power of a family's love through the story told in the 1995 Dutch cinema classic, Antonia's Line. Opening reading by Mary Oliver provided by Rev. Erik David Carlson.


Intern minister Denise Cawley touches on the power of a family's love through the story told in the 1995 Dutch cinema classic, Antonia's Line. Opening reading by Mary Oliver provided by Rev. Erik David Carlson.
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Transforming Hearts II: Choose Love

Homily from intern minister Denise Cawley on the implications of accepting our friends and family of all gender identities.

Transforming Hearts II: Choose Love

Homily from intern minister Denise Cawley on the implications of accepting our friends and family of all gender identities.
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Mary Magdalene and Mothers Day

In honor of Mother's Day, ministerial intern Denise Cawley discusses Mary Magdalene, feminine spirituality and the female divine's influence on our faith and our lives.

Mary Magdalene and Mothers Day

In honor of Mother's Day, ministerial intern Denise Cawley discusses Mary Magdalene, feminine spirituality and the female divine's influence on our faith and our lives.
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