Press & Articles

Denise Cawley ready to speak on a variety of issues for justice. Prior to ministry she was a trainer in diversity topics around gender identity, sexual orientation, health, and anti-racism. She also had a long public speaking and teaching business in the arts teaching all over the Midwest about color theory, drawing, art history, quilting and fiber arts.

Dozens of television programs have interviewed Denise Cawley speaking on topics ranging from: voting rights and access to voting amongst people of color and poor families, Lake Michigan waste dumping, Earth Day, Swimming in polluted waters, women’s health, the Boy Scouts allowing gay leaders, LGBT issues, religion condemning LGBT people, Senate races and what women politicians wore, Rotary Club events, large fundraising events, PrideFest Wisconsin, to access to transit buses. Many of these are no longer live on news sites, but she can be TV ready for public witness and local commentary.

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